For sale: 2 lots in Fair Play Sint Eustatius

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2x 4.000 square meters (8.000m2 total)

Sold separately or together (but undivided)


$140.000 per lot ($35/m2)


The lots are located in the district of Fair Play, close to Cherry Tree, in a quiet area where there isn’t much development yet. The address is Knippenga Road, which is a side road of the B.W. Biesheuvelweg (former Mansion Road) that leads from town to the solar park and Lynch. The J.W. Biesheuvelweg and Road to Lynch are expected to be fully renovated in the near future.

The location offers magnificent views on the Quill volcano, the Atlantic ocean and Boven National Park.

The property

The properties are adjacent, equal in size and shape, and partially fenced. It is possible to buy only one or both lots together, directly from the owner.

About Sint Eustatius

There are many reasons why you should choose Sint Eustatius as a destination for travel, for business purposes or to build your new or second home. While tourism is an important economic pillar on the island, you won’t find masses of travelers here. The economy is growing, the connectivity improving, and the island is slowly but surely developing, making it an interesting location and a good time for you to start investing. Read more practical information about Sint Eustatius here.